Can you catch a deepfake? UMBC researchers receive NSF award to help people identify audiodeepfakes
Vandana Janeja and Christine Mallinson have received a two-year, $300,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to study deepfakes, focusing on audio clips. Deepfakes are images, videos …
Posted: September 28, 2021
Testimony in support of Algorithmic Decision Systems –Procurement and Discriminatory Acts: role of Responsible AI
Chair Pendergrass, Vice Chair Pena-Melnyk, and members of the committee, my name is Vandana Janeja and I am a Professor and Chair of the Information Systems Department at UMBC and a resident of …
Posted: March 15, 2021
Innovation and Social Impact
Now more than ever, STEM careers are demanding their workforce keep the social impact of their work at the forefront. Interdisciplinary teams at UMBC are researching methods to support these efforts.
Posted: June 9, 2021
Information Systems Research on Pandemic Preparedness at UMBC 
The unprecedented global pandemic caused by the spread of the COVID-19 virus comes at a time also marked by historically unparalleled levels of network connectivity, information production, collection …
Posted: November 23, 2020
Predicting the Coronavirus Outbreak: How AI Connects the Dots to Warn About Disease Threats
Canadian artificial intelligence firm BlueDot has been in the news in recent weeks for warning about the new coronavirus days ahead of the official alerts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention …
Posted: March 4, 2020
Predicting the Coronavirus Outbreak: How AI Connects the Dots to Warn About Disease
Canadian artificial intelligence firm BlueDot has been in the news in recent weeks for warning about the new coronavirus days ahead of the official alerts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention …
Posted: March 3, 2020
How an AI Sent an Early Warning about the Coronavirus Outbreak
Canadian artificial intelligence firm BlueDot has been in the news in recent weeks for warning about the new coronavirus days ahead of the official alerts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention …
Posted: March 3, 2020
UMBC receives NSF support to enhance data science courses, research, and student experiences
Data science has rapidly grown at UMBC, and faculty are now working to enhance data science courses, research, and student experiences. The goal is to ensure they are inclusive, empowering, and effective …
Posted: December 18, 2019
Data rich organizations turn focus to ethical data mining
In light of the data breach scandals that have engulfed Facebook, Equifax and others, more companies are starting to have conversations about ethical data mining. While much of that talk remains at a high …
Posted: April 11, 2019
Do No Harm: An Ethical Data Life Cycle
Ethics generally works on the principles of do no harm. Although research protocols to protect human beings have been in place for a while now, the pervasiveness of multiple types of data and their use ma…
Posted: April 4, 2019
Increasing participation of women in computing fields: A data science perspective
We live in an age when everyone understands the importance and pervasiveness of data—the pictures we take, the activities we track, the transactions we make, and the websites we visit. Data can often be c…
Posted: March 13, 2019
Data Heterogeneity: Bane or Boon for Data Science?
Watch Youtube Video
Posted: March 1, 2019
Data Science Leadership Summit: Summary Report
Data science is a burgeoning field. As a result of recent technological advances, widespread and accelerated uptake of these technologies by many sectors, and increasing workforce demands, many data sci …
Posted: 2018